Location of Ano Pedina
The village of Ano Pedina is located in the heart of Central Zagori on the southwest slopes of Tymfi mountain. It is built at 960 meters on a small plateau, at the north of Mitsikeli. The location of the village combined with the traditional colors, the well-preserved houses and mansions, the wonderful tourist accommodations and the peace that prevails are some of the elements that justify the tourist traffic.
The history of Ano Pedina
Originally the village was named Ano Soudena. In 1929 it got its present name Ano Pedina. The name “Soudena” is derived from the Slavic Studend which means cold.
The village is known since 1361 and it is mentioned in the bull of Serbian ruler Simeon. Simeon recognized to John Tsafas Oursinis the possession of extensive areas in Epirus. However, it is unknown when it was originally built.
The teacher of Nation and national benefactor Neophytos Doukas (1760-1845) was one of the people who came from Ano Pedina. He was a clergyman and scholar as well as director of the Bucharest School and first director of Rizarios School. Also, John Lampridis (1839-1891), philosopher, donor in Athens University and scholar of Epirus culture came from the village.

About the village
At the entrance of the village you can fin the convert of Evagelistria with a fortress form. The church is dedicated to the Annunciation. It was built according to an inscription in 1793 and it was decorated in 1809. Inscribed images of the 18th and 19th century are still preserved. During the times of prim in the prime of 18th and 19th century the built remarkable buildings.
It was on 02.29.1944 the Germans burned the village. This incident resulted in four houses being burned and also a victim.Other important monuments of the village is the church of Agios Dimitrios (1793) and the old school which houses the library of Neophytos Doukas with rare books. Since 1934 Labriadios School was operating, where classes of weaving took place until 2005. However, at 2006 it was closed due to lack of schoolgirls.
A lush mountain scenery
Ano Pedina have as background the lush mountain scenery and the beautiful local architecture. They are perfect choice to escape to a different setting. A beautiful village with imposing mansions, old churches and squares that host many music and cultural events throughout the year. Known for their community spirit and warm hospitality, the locals here share a genuine interest for any traveler visiting their picturesque village. The village is listed as a traditional settlement because it retains its characteristic Zagorian architecture.